Job: Access Services & Research Librarian @ University of Colorado Law School

The University of Colorado William A. Wise Law Library has an opening for an Access Services and Research Librarian. This position is an opportunity for a newer law librarian to manage the daily operations of circulation services, earn supervisory experience, increase their knowledge of research resources and methods, and develop their skill as an instructor. The position requires a librarian with a heart for customer service and an ability to complete the many and varied tasks of circulation services in a timely and efficient manner. Newer law librarians, including recent graduates, are encouraged to apply.

For more information, see the job posting here:

Susan Nevelow Mart’s program is AALL2GO Pick of the Month

Have you attempted to run identical searches on various research platforms only to find that you receive significantly different results from each service? This 2018 AALL Annual Meeting program, coordinated and moderated by Susan Nevelow Mart and featuring speakers Ed Walters (Fastcase) and Tito Sierra (LexisNexis Legal & Professional), gave insight into the mystery of the various search engines. This session builds on one of 2016’s most popular sessions and includes an update from Mart and her research on how algorithms work.


Find this and many more continuing education programs and webinars on AALLNET.

Karen Selden Elected to AALL Executive Board!

That’s Karen on the left, accepting on behalf of CoALL the 2008 AALL Award for Chapter Professional Development

Congratulations to our very own Karen Selden on her election to the AALL Executive Board!

This honor couldn’t have gone to a more deserving individual. Karen has a long record of service to AALL. Heck, she was even President of CoALL way back when.

Karen will serve a three year term on the Board, from 2018 to 2021, during which time she will undoubtedly represent law librarianship in Colorado in the best possible light. Here’s to an illustrious tenure in the big show, Karen. Go make us proud!

2016-2017 Annual Report

CoALL’s 2016-2017 Annual Report has been submitted to AALL and will be published in the Chapter Annual Reports section of AALLNET.  Annual reports are a public record of the activities of each AALL entity over the past year.  Reports are also distributed to members of the AALL Executive Board to help them monitor the progress being made toward the Association’s strategic directions.  A more detailed 2016-2017 Annual Report is available here.